Picture of I've applied for a position, would like information about what kind of preparation should I've for the interview.

I've applied for a position, would like information about what kind of preparation should I've for the interview.

Picture of Arina
Picture of Nasir
3 responses

Natacha C. asked a question to HR

Category: Interview Tips

Date asked: Friday, May 19, 2023

Last reviewed: Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Picture of Arina S.

Arina S.

Global Talent Acquisition Expert

Dear Natascha,

So happy you want to become part of the team! Please review the following site for many application tips, including our Google Assistant Interview tool:

Best of luck!

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Picture of Nasir M.

Nasir M.

University Relations Expert & Senior Recruiter

Dear Natascha,

As my colleague Arina mentioned, please refer to the Application Tips and Tricks website.

One more advise from my side would to be check our Social Media accounts in order to inform yourself of the projects both around business and CSR that Allianz is involved in. This will give you extra information that might come in handy during the interview.

Good luck and all the very best!

Kind regards,

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Natacha C.

Thank's for the informations.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

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