Picture of I am a travel agent and looking for a remote job do you have a suggestion on where to apply?

I am a travel agent and looking for a remote job do you have a suggestion on where to apply?

Picture of Sisouda
1 response

Sherry Y. asked a question to Operations and Claims

Category: Open positions

Date asked: samedi, octobre 9, 2021

Last reviewed: lundi, octobre 11, 2021

Picture of Sisouda D.

Sisouda D.

Regional Head of Protection and Resilience

Dear Sherry G. , thank you for this very good question! With the Covid-19 pandemic situation, remote working has been enabled almost everywhere in Allianz Group. Feel free to search in our Allianz career webpage, depending on the job and the country you may find something fitting your expectations. I would suggest to filter on Allianz Partners U.S if you are looking for a position in travel insurance.

lundi, octobre 11, 2021

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