Picture of How long does it take for next step process application when its says under HR or Manager review.

How long does it take for next step process application when its says under HR or Manager review.

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Picture of Nasir
6 responses

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Hello, Hope you are doing well. I have applied to the job product owner at Allianz Partners, its been a month or so but I have not received any calls or emails about my application. I notice that my application is under the HR/Manager review stage. so, I wonder if my application is still under process or if there is any problem with the website. If so, How long does usual process time take place? Thank you for your support. Regards, Rama Sruthi

Rama Sruthi T. asked a question to HR

Category: Application process

Date asked: mardi, mai 9, 2023

Last reviewed: mardi, février 20, 2024

Picture of Nasir M.

Nasir M.

University Relations Expert & Senior Recruiter

Dear Rama,

Thank you for reaching out.

It all depends on each and every position regarding the duration of application. However, when it is under Manager review, please allow 4-6 weeks for the final short list. We require this time to give every candidate a chance to apply. In case, you dont hear anything within 1-2 weeks, please either reach out to us here or if you have any email when you sent your application, use that contact.

Thank you and all the best
Best regards,

mercredi, mai 10, 2023

Rama Sruthi T.

Hello Nasir,
Thank you very much for your response.

I will wait like you have said, Incase of any delay I will confirm it here, as I don't have any email id.
I have applied it through the career portal.
Thank you for your support.

Best Regards,

mercredi, mai 10, 2023

Picture of Nasir M.

Nasir M.

University Relations Expert & Senior Recruiter

Hi Sruthi,

Just inform me here and I will take the necessary steps to get you an update.

Thank you
Best regards,

mercredi, mai 10, 2023

Rama Sruthi T.

Hello Nasir,
Hope you are doing well.
My application shows that its in status under HR manager review but its been three weeks since I applied (April 26th) and I haven't got any calls or mails from Allianz.
Is my application still under process?
Thank you

Best regards,

jeudi, mai 25, 2023

Picture of Sheetal S.

Sheetal S.

Senior Communications Expert

Hi Sruthi,

Allow me to answer this query for you :) I see your application was submitted long ago - in this case, I am afraid your skill sets or experience level does not match the job position you applied and hence you never heard back from the hiring manager. Allianz usually retains a candidate application for a maximum of 6 months so it's likely you need to apply again with a suiting job position.

May I suggest you to speak to Allianz careers using Google Assistant before you apply at Allianz. It will provide you with useful tips & tricks for an easy application.

Hope this helps!

Best wishes,

jeudi, janvier 11, 2024

Picture of Mohammed A.

Mohammed A.

Hello, hope you are doing well. I have already submitted my application in different positions, is that affect negatively to me ?

mardi, février 20, 2024

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