Picture of what does it mean when says further assessment steps initiated

what does it mean when says further assessment steps initiated

Picture of Sheetal
1 response

Lacratria F. asked a question to Sheetal S.

Category: Application process

Date asked: Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Last reviewed: Monday, June 19, 2023

Picture of Sheetal S.

Sheetal S.

Senior Communications Expert

Dear Sender,

Thank you for sending us your query!

When your application status reads, further assessment steps initiated, it means it is under process, probably with the hiring manager or his HR Business Partner. No action is needed from you at this stage. Please be patient, if your skillsets match, someone from the hiring team will contact you.

I hope this helps and wish you good luck with the application.

Best wishes,

Monday, June 19, 2023

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