When and how do you give Allianz your feedback as an employee?
Andreza G. asked a question to Business Transformation
Category: Employee benefits
Date asked: Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Last reviewed: Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Annemarie G.
Product Owner
Hi Andreza,
thank you very much for your question!
Once in a year we do have a structured survey that is called "AES" (Allianz Engagement Survey). This format is the same for all Allianz employees worldwide, where we are asked to give feedback on collaboration, work load, offers from our employer, strategy, our managers etc. Results are widely discussed on all levels at Allianz also within the teams and measures are addressed for certain topics. By the way, some metrics built from the AES results are even top management KPIs at Allianz, which means the employees' opinion is of a very high significance.
For managers there are on top surveys, where they ask there co-workers, managers, employees for feedback once in a year following also a structured process.
Next to this there are a lot of more opportunities to give your feedback, as e.g.:
* using the comment function to articles in our intranet (called CONNECT)
* having regular meetings with your manager
* review meetings every 1/2 year with your manager
* Q&A sessions at the end of bigger events such as townhalls or stand-ups
* a format where you can hand in new ideas as employee, if not related to your direct work
* in agile teams: Retro formats at the end of a sprint
* etc.
If you are interested in anything in particular, please let me know.
I hope this answered your question?
Have a nice day
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
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