Why did you choose Allianz as a place in which to care for sustainability?
Anonymous asked a question to Piril K.
Category: Career Advice
Date asked: Monday, August 2, 2021
Last reviewed: Monday, August 30, 2021
Piril K.
Global Sustainability Manager
To be honest, I didn´t choose Allianz. It chose me :) I was working for the top telecommunications company in the country when Allianz Turkey approached me to establish a more structure sustainability approach in the entity. I was excited over the vision and opportunities within the offer, I accepted with not much of deliberations. Many of my peers objected as I left a very exciting field with high paying jobs and budgets over insurance industry. But I saw not only the potential but also the vision behind it. I was able to establish the Sustainability Office in few years, start leading industry wide initiatives, empower colleagues in various sustainability initiatives. More over, through my journey, I realized how insurance and investments were integrated in building blocks of sustainability from birth to disasters, good days to bad days... Soon later I was offered the opportunity to join the Global team to extend my work on international level where I continue my work.
Allianz is on a continuous path of growth; when you board, you never know what the journey exactly will bring to you. But I can promise you, for the willing, it will always bring exciting moments for growth and development. That´s why I would choose Allianz...
Monday, August 30, 2021
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