Is it possible for you to identify your contributions to Allianz's sustainable goals? Could you please share an example?
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The company published challenging sustainable goals and everyone needs to be engaged in order to achieve them. Therefore, my question is regarding how far it is possible to connect the individual tasks and processes to the company's sustainable goals. Is that already clear within the company or this is a work in progress? I appreciate the opportunity of presenting the question and wish you all the best.
Liliani L. asked a question to Sheetal S.
Category: Career Advice
Date asked: Saturday, August 6, 2022
Last reviewed: Friday, August 26, 2022
Sheetal S.
Senior Communications Expert
Allianz wants to be a role model for integrating sustainable business strategy, strong governance, and positive impact, especially in pursuit of a net-zero carbon economy. Our sustainable commitments spread to climate change and decarbonization, social impact, and integrating sustainability across businesses. The Sustainability Committee regularly exchanges ESG issues relevant for economically sound and sustainable development, as well as for the reputation of the Allianz Group.
The health, safety, and well-being, as well as the training and development of our employees, are of utmost importance.
1. We developed our Diversity and Inclusion strategy to cover gender, generations, LGBTQ+, nationalities, and disabilities
2. Through our products and solutions, we can enable access to financial services which take sustainability into consideration.
3. With our Corporate Citizenship Strategy, we help the next generations to overcome economic and social impacts; and we support in crisis situations like the pandemic and the Ukraine humanitarian situation. For the Ukraine humanitarian crisis, Allianz committed to donating € 10 million and is committed to matching employees’ and tied agents’ donations up to € 2.5 million.
Thanks for the inquiry!
Friday, August 26, 2022
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