Picture of Why did you choose Allianz and not a tech start-up?

Why did you choose Allianz and not a tech start-up?

Picture of Annemarie
1 response

Anonymous asked a question to Annemarie G.

Category: Experience

Date asked: Monday, August 2, 2021

Last reviewed: Monday, August 2, 2021

Picture of Annemarie G.

Annemarie G.

Product Owner

Before I joined Allianz in 2017, I had also worked internationally for a big company in tourism. When I returned to Munich, I wanted to stay in an environment, where I do still have the possibilities to work with colleagues and eventually projects all around the world (even though back then I joined a unit that was mostly focused on Germany).

I also knew Allianz from a working student job before and I was sure that I would like the corporate culture with a lot of exchange for lunch and coffee between the colleagues, a mindset of changing / challenging the status quo, but also the willingness of managers listening to their teams and working together on solutions. In Allianz there occurs a lot of change just as in a startup - projects and ideas come up, some of them stay and spread between entities. Of course, moving to another city I also longed for working with an employer that lasted more than 1-2 years.

Additionally, I came to Allianz with a background rather focused on general management and communication. I developed into a position that is closer to platform development now. This was not planned, but resulted from the jobs I took up in my Allianz career. In my opinion, a start-up would not have been possible to offer me this kind of personal development.

Yet, I was already familiar with the downturns of big companies, having worked for other stock corporations before, such as changes taking longer than in tech start-ups and some administrative processes causing headaches. I also worked for a niche manufacturer before and knew about downturns of small companies turning bigger. What I mean is, that you will have pros and cons with all types of company sizes. Thus in the end you will have to weigh for yourself benefits against downturns of a great international corporation. Make up your mind what suits you best for this moment being.

Monday, August 2, 2021

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