Picture of What do you think are the 3 most important values to succeed at Allianz?

What do you think are the 3 most important values to succeed at Allianz?

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Picture of Marie-Kristin
1 response

Anonymous asked a question to Marie-Kristin W.

Category: Career Advice

Date asked: Thursday, August 5, 2021

Last reviewed: Monday, August 16, 2021

Picture of Marie-Kristin W.

Marie-Kristin W.

Marketing Researcher

Hi Simon, great question! Values are one of my favorite topics to talk about in a professional context as they provide direction and guidance along your path. Therefore, values are very personal. Nevertheless, I will try to answer your question as general and at the same time, tangible as possible. On my path, the three main values that helped me to succeed are a collaborative attitude combined with creativity and an hands-on mentality. In my current job, I work on projects which try to solve global data challenges for our company. As Allianz is operating worldwide, we have over 70 different operating entities which we call OEs in Allianz language :). In order to succeed with such projects, it is incremental to be able to collaborate with different people across the globe and LISTEN closely to their problems. Only if you’re listening and collaborating, the local entities see you as their ally and do not suspect “yet another group initiative”. Once you have understood the underlying problem, the next step is to be creative in finding a solution by leveraging the great experts at Allianz and finally, take action without spending too much time in ideation phase. Be brave to start with a imperfect first mock up.

Monday, August 16, 2021

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