Hi. What is something you learned in your first 6 months at Allianz, that you still apply in your job now?
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'Something' could be the Allianz cultural approach to working, or a team member's wise insight into the Allianz organisational mission, or a technical skill you learned internally and still apply regularly.
Lorna W. asked a question to Umair H.
Category: Application Status
Date asked: jeudi, juillet 7, 2022
Last reviewed: vendredi, juillet 8, 2022
Umair H.
Assurance Manager
Hi Lorna, very good question. I think the most important thing I learned in first six months was about the range of products offered by Allianz which helped me understand the structure of the company. I apply this knowledge till date in my day to day work.
vendredi, juillet 8, 2022
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