Picture of What experiences did you learn from working in the Allianz environment as a Customer Service Representative?

What experiences did you learn from working in the Allianz environment as a Customer Service Representative?

Picture of Jagdeep
Picture of Drucilla
2 responses

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Is there a certain amount of calls a Customer Service Representative must answer and solve daily?

Drucilla M. asked a question to Annemarie G.

Category: Experience

Date asked: Thursday, September 16, 2021

Last reviewed: Friday, April 8, 2022

Picture of Jagdeep J.

Jagdeep J.

Sales Resolutions Officer

Hi Drucilla,
thanks for your great question. Since Annemarie has not gained experience as Customer Service Rep at Allianz so far, she asked me, @Jagdeep J. (allianz.career-inspiration.com/app/profi… ), if I could help out. It's a pleasure for me and I hope you don't mind me answering in her place:

First & Foremost, thank you for reaching out to us here at Allianz, Drucilla. To begin, when I initially began as a CSR at Allianz, like most jobs, you think it'll be a daunting experience, and honestly, it's totally the opposite. The training Allianz provide is solid, and pin point. I learnt that from the very start of the job, some aspects and elements will come with experience, meaning you are not expected to be pushed to your limits and to know the entire process and function(s) right away, and as the saying goes; "Practice Makes Perfect".

There are many demographics of people, and initially when I started the role as CSR, my voice was quite monotone. I learnt that every customer/stakeholder is different and have their own needs. Our aim here at Allianz is to ensure we work 360 around the customer, to deliver the highest level of service. To measure our delivery, the customer may be transferred to a survey at the end of your call. This feedback will then be delivered by your line manager, and it’s really is insightful and extremely helpful for your own personal and professional development. As I become more settled, I would listen to my peers with how they handled their customers, and using my own experience in tandem, I went on to manage my customer base with great respect and dignity. The key here is; because you are not face to face with the customer, and you only hear their voice, you will learn to mirror them, manifesting you to act accordingly and then execute your excellent service delivery. An example could be; you will learn different aspects that go with the job, where you may not necessarily bring them with you, for instance “showing empathy”. I went on to develop a natural ack to listen and be more assertive with all my customers, and history has shown that customers are more likely to take to you if your service delivery is “consistent”.

Allianz will provide continual support from the very beginning, and retrospectively, the training team and your line manager work together and find knowledge gaps within their team members, and this allows them to create and deliver a tailored presentation or refresher around improving your skill base. Here at Allianz, everyone is here to help, and sky’s the limit with any curiosity you may have; you can approach a team member all the way to any senior manager, regardless of their position because as I mentioned above Drucilla, it all comes down to our aim and goal! Allianz wants all their staff to enjoy their job, and in time you will become an expert. There are many benefits that come along with your employment here at Allianz and besides the role itself, this was a reason for me to choose Allianz for my career.

There isn’t a specific number of calls expected for you to take Drucilla. The Operation within many Allianz business units and entities vary however, there is a telephony system in place and this function works wonders in managing calls with fairness so you don’t take over nor less calls than your colleagues. At Allianz, health and wellbeing is vital and your line manager will always be there as support and confidence is paramount here at Allianz.

Also some business units here at Allianz have one contact centre but with 2 departmental functions; for example one being Sales and the other being Service. Each area has their own niche expectations and metrics which you are measured on every month. Targets are set in accordance with the company plan for the year ahead. On a monthly basis your line manager will set a date for a one-to-one with you and deliver your target results against each metric. Metrics are put in place to measure success for both yourself, and as a company on the whole. The atmosphere is amazing and the culture makes you feel at ease every time you arrive for work.

If you have any other questions, please do send them through anytime, Drucilla. Thank you for your questions, and if you need any further clarity on this response, simply message me back, I’m more than willing to help where I can.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Picture of Drucilla M.

Drucilla M.

Thank you JagJeep J for responding back to me. I really appreciate you taking the time.

Friday, April 8, 2022

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