Picture of Hello, can I do an internship as a foreign language correspondent with you?

Hello, can I do an internship as a foreign language correspondent with you?

Picture of Pablo
Picture of Benjamin
2 responses

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Anonymous asked a question to Underwriting

Category: Internal career mobility

Date asked: Monday, October 10, 2022

Last reviewed: Thursday, October 27, 2022

Picture of Pablo L.

Pablo L.

Underwriter P&C

Hi, I think it will be quite difficult to do an Internship in a diferent lenguaje, imore than 90% of the communication (verbal and written) is in spanish.


Pablo L

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Picture of Benjamin B.

Benjamin B.

National Underwriting & Portfolio Manager


Thanks for your question - Allianz Group welcome people with a range of backgrounds and skills to do internships, provided the applicants hold appropriate working rights for the country they're applying to. In respect of doing an internship as a 'Foreign Language Correspondents', I understand this is a specific type of internship where the intern assists the team they work with in translating documents and correspondence into a different language (e.g. transcribe German into Mandarin)? If I understand this correctly, I can say this kind of internship isn't available in the Australian part of Allianz Group.

That said, I encourage you to have a look at the Allianz careers page in the country you're thinking of applying to and see what's available. Insurance can provide a rewarding career and you never know, perhaps you find a role you think would be a good match? The best part about insurance is it requires lots of different skills and provides great opportunities to people with backgrounds in business, statistics, engineering, and law.

Hope this helps and best wishes with your career journey.

Best wishes,

Thursday, October 27, 2022

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