Picture of Are there any entry level english speaking opportunities in Paris, France?

Are there any entry level english speaking opportunities in Paris, France?

Picture of Dominik Alexander
4 responses

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Garrett K. asked a question to HR

Category: Open positions

Date asked: Sunday, September 11, 2022

Last reviewed: Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Picture of Dominik Alexander H.

Dominik Alexander H.

Head of Group Talent Acquisition

Dear Garrett,

thanks for your interest in working for Allianz. In fact, Allianz offers a lot of jobs in and around Paris which require English language skills. Usually, you find these jobs with our global line entities such as "Allianz Partners", "Allianz Global Corporate and Specialty", "Allianz Trade" or "Allianz Global Investors" (in comparison to "Allianz France" which is very much focused on the local French market).

So please have a look at our job market and filter accordingly.

Wish you all the best

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Garrett K.

Hello Dominik, Thank you for your response.

Monday, September 12, 2022

Picture of Nasir M.

Nasir M.

University Relations Expert & Senior Recruiter

Dear Garrett,

I can add to what Dominik mentioned above that you can filter as per your interests and location. I am sure you will come across many positions that will suit your motivation.

All the best
Best regards,

Monday, September 12, 2022

Picture of Marie-Hélène T.

Marie-Hélène T.

Senior Talent Attraction Consultant

Hi Garrett,

Thank you for your question. Just to underline what Dominik has said - I work for Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty and we often have entry level jobs that are English speaking. Have a look at the careers website and filter through entities and location.

Good luck!

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

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