Marie, I am interested in the Property Wording Specialist position. As a candidate & potential supplier of Ai to Allianz
Additional information
Check me out on linkedIn I'd be a good candidate but also my current firm can preform the analysis described in the job description - I'd like to discuss that with the person in charge of Ai Michael Barbarita [email protected] 412-841-4273
Michael B. asked a question to Marie-Hélène T.
Category: Open positions
Date asked: Friday, August 25, 2023
Last reviewed: Monday, August 28, 2023
Marie-Hélène T.
Senior Talent Attraction Consultant
Hi Michael,
Thank you for your message - if you are interested in the role can I suggest you apply via our careers website? https://careers.allianz.com/
The recruiter responsible will then contact you.
Many thanks,
Monday, August 28, 2023
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