Can I apply with my resume for a job posting that is past its deadline but still active on the website?
Giorgi M. asked a question to HR
Category: Application Status
Date asked: mardi, février 28, 2023
Last reviewed: mercredi, mars 1, 2023
Nasir M.
University Relations Expert & Senior Recruiter
Dear Giorgi,
Thank you for reaching out.
If the position is still on the website but the deadline is expired, you can still apply. Sometimes it is the case that we couldn't find someone by the deadline set. Therefore, the position is still active and candidates can apply.
Thank you and hope this answers your question
Best regards,
mercredi, mars 1, 2023
Giorgi M.
Dear Nasir,
Thank you for your prompt answer. It is really helpful for me.
Best regards,
mercredi, mars 1, 2023
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