Picture of Does Allianz have an athlete recruiter/coordinator in HR to support elite athlete job apps (Olympian, Paralympian)?

Does Allianz have an athlete recruiter/coordinator in HR to support elite athlete job apps (Olympian, Paralympian)?

Picture of Nasir
1 response

Additional information

Would love to hear more about the partnership between Allianz and Paralympics and how it might be beneficial to both parties.

David A. asked a question to HR

Category: About us

Date asked: samedi, février 18, 2023

Last reviewed: jeudi, mars 2, 2023

Picture of Nasir M.

Nasir M.

University Relations Expert & Senior Recruiter

Dear David,

Thank you for reaching out.

We do not have specific recruiters assigned for this purpose but all recruiters in general take care of such requests. If you would like us to consider any Olympians or Paralympians, please send me the CV to the following email address and I will let the recrutiers know about the case.

[email protected]

Thank you and hope this helps
Best regards,

jeudi, mars 2, 2023

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